Two days ago I was in Donbas, on the delimitation line.Legally - between Ukraine and the temporarily occupied territories.In fact, the delimitation line between peace and war. Where on the one side there is a kindergarten, and on the other side there is a projectile that hit it.On the one side there is a school, on the other side there is a projectile hitting the school yard. And next to it there are 30 children who go no, not to NATO, but to school. Someone has physics classes.Knowing its basic laws, even children understand how absurd the statements that the shelling is carried out by Ukraine sound. Someone haa math classes. Children can caalculate the difference between the number of shelling occasions in these three days andthe occasions of mentioning Ukraine in this year's Munich Security Report without a calculator. And someone has history classes. And when a bomb crater appears in the school yard, children have a question: has the world forgotten its mistakes of the XX century? What do attempts at appeasement lead to? As the question "Why die for Daanzig?" turned into the need to die for Dunkirk and dozens of other cities in Europe and the world. At the cost of tens of mollions of lives.These are terrible lessons of history. I just want to make sure you and I read the same books. Hence, we have the same understanding of the answer to the main question: how did it happen that in the XXI century. Europe is at war again and people are dying? Why does it last longer than World War II? How did we get to the biggest security crisis since the Cold War? For me, as the Presidente of a country that has lost part of the territory, thousands of people and on whose borders there are now 150.000 Russian troops, equipment and heavy weapons, the answer is obvious. The architecture of world security is fragile and needs to be updated.The rules that the world agreed on decades ago no longer work. They do not keep up with new threats. They are not effective for overcoming them. This is a cough syrup when you need a coronavirus vaccine. The security system is slow. It crashes again. Because of different things: selfishness, self-confidence, irresponsibility of states at the global level. As a result, we have crimes of some and indifference of others. Indifference that makes you an accomplice. It is symbolic that I am talking about this right here. I was here 15 years ago that Russia announced its intention to challenge global security. What did the world say? Appeasement result? At least - the annexation of Crimea and aggression against my state.The UN. which is supposed to defend peace and world security, cannot defend itself.When its Charter is violated. When one of the members of the UN Security Council annexes the territory of one of the fouding members of the UN. And the UN itself ignores the Crimea platform.The goal of which is to de-occupy Crimea peacefully and protect the rights of Crimeans. ( MICHAEL ROSSI POLI SCI - video su YOUTUBE con traduzione del testo in inglese). segue...
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